Cleansing And Charging Crystals

Cleansing & Charging

Many people begin their relationship with a new crystal by cleansing it first. Cleansing can also be performed at any time to refresh the crystal, clear it of any residual unwanted energies, and re-charge it.

Cleansing Your New Crystal

What is Cleansing and why should you do it? Cleansing, or “Clearing”, your crystals is the act of removing all the negative energy they have absorbed for you so they may continue helping you day in and day out. Just like you and I, crystals are vessels that can only take so much before they are quite full and need to have release. Cleansing your crystals does exactly that.

The frequency at which you cleanse your crystals depends on what the intentions are. Just using some smoky quartz to absorb negative energy? Use your intuition when you feel like it may not be doing as well. Using a crystal to manifest goof intentions? Clear that stone before you reprogram it. Different people have different views on crystals that need cleansing more so than others, or crystals that just simply do not ever need to be cleansed. You are the best judgment of when your crystals need to be cleansed. Intuition is a powerful device, and trusting it is more than ok because you should feel in tune with your crystals.

Now what are some methods of cleansing & clearing crystals? Let's talk about the common time tested ways to cleanse your crystals.


Smudging has taken on a more generic meaning in recent times but essentially smudging is the act of burning plant matter to cleanse a space or objects of negative energy. Many different cultures have different ways of performing this act with various plants being used. You will find the most popular and time tested forms are bundled white sage and cedar wood. Preferably sourced locally these not only help to clear your crystals but also yourself!

To cleanse your crystals with white sage or cedar, all you have to do is light the end of your bundle of white sage or cedar wood and allow it to produce smoke. By passing your crystals through this smoke you are effectively clearing them of the negative energy that they have absorbed over time.


Water is a universal cleanser. If you have access to the ocean, ocean water is wonderful.  If not, spring water, lake water, and filtered water can also work well, as long as the water is either directly from nature or clean (filtered properly.) Some people also add salt to their water, because of its electric properties.

You can simply rinse the crystal in water, or you can follow up by placing the crystal in a clear glass filled with water. Place the glass on your windowsill, ideally facing the south, to charge in the sun.


The sun can do wonders for your crystal collection. Use the natural energy of the sun to recharge and cleanse your crystal collection. If some of your crystals are starting to feel a little lackluster you might want to get them outside. Just like you and I, your collection needs some good old sunshine and fresh air.

Let them sit outside and soak up those sun rays. Give them at least 3 hours in full sun. You can also put some stones on a south facing windowsill for an entire day however outdoors is definitely the best for your collection.


Another natural source to cleanse your crystals is the moon and it's vibrant energy. A powerful object, the radiance from the moon can recharge your crystals very well. Some people like to bury their crystals under a full moon to fully return them to nature. This brings them back to a natural baseline for you to use them again.

If you're worried about damaging your crystals fear not! This will be perfect for any in your collection. Especially ones that otherwise might get hurt from other methods of cleansing.